Tuesday 17 March 2015

Unit 31 film technique essay - evaluation and video essay

For this project we were tasked with creating a video essay explaining and demonstrating film editing techniques to show to a younger audience of students, to help them understand these techniques in greater depth. I worked through this project with Megan, and we first began by researching the different editing techniques given to us.

We began by researching the following editing techniques:
  • Shot reverse shot.
  • 180° rule.
  • 30° rule.
  • Cross-cutting.
  • Match on action.
  • Temporal overlap.
  • Kuleshov effect.
  • Eisenstein montage.
Steps of recording and editing:
  • After researching examples and collecting clips from mainstream films, we then analysed them and became familiar with the techniques, each creating a blog post describing the techniques. We conversed with each other despite making our blog posts and used the same examples which I found via YouTube.
  • I converted the movie clips to MP4, using an online conversion website. I then imported the clips to Premiere Pro.
  • This then led us to record a voiceover with the help of Luke, another student in the class.
  • We then filmed our own examples of the techniques to show the students that they are simple, easy and effective to use, not just for use in bug budget films and can be used in amateur productions.
  • Finally we edited all of our information and footage into an 6-8 minute video essay which we edited together using Premiere Pro. We are familiar with this software, which sped up the editing process.
I feel that if we were to do this mini project again, then we would work to a timeframe better as during the project we had another ongoing project to complete, and I feel that I spent more time focusing on the promotional video unit, making that my priority, as I feel that I spent longer creating this video than I should have allowed for. Although I would change certain time aspects, I do believe that we have created a very informative video which gives very good information about film editing techniques. Myself and Megan worked well and effectively as a team, which included allocating ourselves different roles and communicating well, even outside of college. Overall, I am very pleased with the outcome and am happy to produce it to younger students, to help them understand numerous editing techniques.

Here is our finished video essay, explaining and demonstrating the editing techniques as listed above:

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