Friday 13 March 2015

Health and safety - promotional video

Before filming I researched health and safety to ensure that certain measures are met, especially as during this unit I will be working professionally with a client, outside of the college. As the director of the project, I will be in charge of everything especially health and safety. I will be responsible for making sure that everybody in the vicinity is safe, and I must prevent any potential accidents. In order to do this, I must identify all of the hazards and evaluate the risks, identifying measures to control these risks.

Firstly, I need to ensure that everybody in the shop knows where the fire exits are and that they are kept clear at all times. The shop workers will obviously know the fire and accident procedure, therefore when I begin to film I will need to familiarise myself with this. When setting up equipment I will need to be extra careful, especially when setting up the tripod due to the large amount of glass sweet jars around the shop at different heights. The shop is also rather small so I will need to be careful of entering and exiting customers, so I don't obstruct them. The shop also faces a busy road, which I will have to be cautious about when filming my exterior shots.

Here is a copy of a risk assessment, that I tailored especially for filming at the sweet shop:

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