Wednesday 18 March 2015

Client feedback

I asked my client to give me feedback on the promotional video. This was helpful as it gave me points to improve on in future projects in addition to highlighting positive aspects which I feel have improved since starting the course.

I asked my client to answer the following questions on a scale of 1-5 (scale below). Underneath is my client feedback.
1 - very poor
2 - poor
3 - average
4 - good
5 - very good

Feedback and client notes:
  1. How would you rate the pre-production work? 3
  2. How would you rate the footage filmed? 4
  3. What did you think of the final outcome? 4
  4. In your opinion, was the correct health and safety precautions carried out when filming? 4
  5. How was the communication during the process? 4

I found working with Sarah easy, as she had good communication and worked effectively whilst in the shop. I am very pleased with the outcome and would work with her again.

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