The collated results from my questionnaire:
1. What is your gender?
- Male 46.15%
- Female 53.85%
- Prefer not to say 0%
2. How old are you?
- Under 18 0%
- 18-24 69.23%
- 25-34 7.69%
- 35-44 0%
- 45-64 23.08%
- 65-74 0%
- 75 or older 0%
3. Do you watch music videos?
- Yes 92.31%
- No 7.69%
4. How often do you watch music videos?
- Very often 15.38%
- Often 46.15%
- Sometimes 23.08%
- Not very often 15.38%
- Never 0%
5. Where do you watch music videos?
- Television 15.38%
- Vimeo 0%
- YouTube 84.62%
- Other (please specify) 0%
6. What is your favourite music genre?
- Alternative 23.08%
- Blues 0%
- Country 0%
- Electronic 7.69%
- Folk 7.69%
- Hip Hop 7.69%
- Jazz 0%
- Latin 0%
- Pop 15.38%
- R&B/Soul 7.69%
- Rock 30.77%
- Other (please specify) 0%
7. What type of music video do you prefer to watch?
- Abstract 23.08%
- Concert/Live performance 23.08%
- Dance 23.08%
- Narrative 30.77%
- Other (please specify) 0%
8. Do you prefer music videos that are...?
- Fast and energetic with a lot happening visually 61.54%
- Slow paced and easy to watch passively 38.46%
9. In your opinion, what is an ideal length for a music video?
- 30 seconds - 1 minute 0%
- 2 minutes - 3 minutes 61.54%
- 4 minutes - 5 minutes 30.77%
- 6 minutes + 7.69%
10. How often do you watch music videos in their entirety?
- Very often 23.08%
- Often 30.77%
- Sometimes 30.77%
- Not very often 15.38%
- Never 0%
From my questionnaire, I have concluded that my main target audience is:
- Female
- Aged 18-24
- Watches music videos (often)
- Watched music videos via YouTube
- Prefers rock music
- Prefers music videos following a narrative
- Prefers music videos that are fast and energetic
- Likes music videos that are 2-3 minutes in length
- Watches music videos in their entirety often/sometimes
I ensured the validity and accuracy of my results by distributing my questionnaire to multiple sources. I did this by handing it to my family and friends, so I knew I would attain quick and definite results. This ensured that all of my sources were reliable. When designing my questionnaire I took into account ethical considerations, moral issues and privacy e.g. when asking the audience which gender they were I added the option "Prefer not to say", as some audiences may not be comfortable in disclosing that type of information. I attempted to verify the validity of interpretations by handing it out to a variety of ages, and although despite the majority participants being 18-24, I did include a wider range of audience. Although the results were not specific to how I had planned my music video production, the results show a close correlation. I collated my results by working out percentages and then creating a graphic visual pie chart, for easy and clear reference.