Sunday 1 February 2015

Timothy Pratt visit

On Tuesday 27th January an ex-student of the college came into visit, Timothy Pratt now owns his own production company and spoke to us about his education choices and career in production. He showed us a few of his first production videos that he created whilst at University, and gave us some advice for the current unit of promotional video and working with a client.

Here are the key points of advice that I recieved:
  • To work effectively with the client and communicate well.
  • Collating ideas and making the video to the clients standard, as he expressed his fustration at not always being able to use his own ideas and not liking the finished product, but afterall the video is to the clients specification.
  • He advised us about working to deadlines, to plan efficently and be aware of things that can go wrong. This has encouraged me to leave plenty of time to shoot and edit, just incase something does go wrong and the deadline is not reached.

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