Monday 2 February 2015

Existing promotional videos

Techniques that I like featured in the video:
  • The video is 1:06 minutes long, which is short and snappy.
  • Establishing shots showing both the outside and inside of the establishment.
  • A voiceover of somebody who clearly works at the business, giving a brief description about how the business came to practice and the general atmosphere of the store.
  • Instrumental music does not distract the audio from the voice-over, but creates a fun and playful theme.
  • Shots of the products look appetising and appealing.
  • Shots of the business with no customers and then shots with customers.
  • The lighting works very effectively as it is high key and projects the products in an attractive light.
  • Techniques such as pans, tracks, shallow depth of field and timelapse give the video a good technical aspect and appear appealing to an audience.
  • The end of the video features the company logo, website, telephone number and address. This is good for business as people can identify with the branding.
Techniques that I liked featured in the video:
  • Despite being a promotional video for a coffee shop the video features many technical qualities that are similar to the video shown above, in addition to aspects that I want to include in my promotional video.
  • Time-lapse.
  • Transition between black and white and colour, giving it a trendy vintage style.
  • Panning shots showing the products in greater detail.
  • Shallow depth of field, again shows the products in greater detail.
  • Handheld camera gives a trendy edgy feel.
  • Talking heads giving information about how the business began and customers briefly reviewing the service.  By asking customers to describe the business in one word, it gives a snappy, informal and fun feel to the promotional video.
  • Candid shots, showing customers enjoying the service.

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