Sunday 5 October 2014

Nottingham shoot 30/9/2014

Myself, Megan and Rory went to Nottingham to shoot for our New Wave film. We planned features of the shoot together, such as the location, date, times and equipment. Other aspects we arranged ourselves e.g. where to shoot within the city, which shots we wanted and techniques we wanted to use individually. I feel that the shoot was a success, although I will need to go out and film again, as there are more shots that I want in my film, which I had not planned at the time of the Nottingham shoot.
I did not plan in too much detail which I shots I wanted to shoot, as the original New Wave films were not planned and spontaneous. I wanted to achieve a similar feel and outcome to the classic New Wave, which is why I only planned parts of the shoot. However, doing this resulted in a lack of footage, as during and after the shoot I thought of new shots that I wanted in my film. I can film locally for some of this, as I do not necessarily have to go to a major city every time. This has encouraged me to plan my shoots better in the future, to minimize the amount of filming, although I would shoot again anyway as I am not 100% happy with the footage I have from Nottingham, and want to achieve some variation.
I will be posting short videos of my footage with a brief analysis of what I did and why, followed by the full edit of my New Wave film and evaluation.

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