Monday 20 October 2014

New Wave film design brief

For this task I will be planning, shooting and editing a New Wave film, based around the American New Wave. This genre of film challenged the Hollywood stereotype of film, and broke the rules of cinema. After researching the New Wave, I have gathered enough techniques and qualities of the genre that I plan to adapt and use. I want to use similar features such as long takes, jump cuts, natural lighting, diegetic sound and urban environments.
New Wave films were experimental, which I intend to simulate in my own film. I am researching Taxi Driver, The Graduate and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, and plan to use techniques used in these films, but experiment with other elements to make my film different and individual.
My main aim is to create a montage sequence, looking as though it could be a sequence from part of a film. New Wave films do not tend to use actors and actresses, using people candidly and a lot of improvisation e.g. movement and dialogue. I will not be planning much of a narrative, as I want to capture footage that gives a true representation people in day-to-day life. I will be using shots from busy bustling locations, to isolated lonely places, giving binary opposition and experimental qualities.

I will be considering health and safety as I shoot, with regards to equipment, and locations. Ensuring that we are away from danger e.g. busy roads.

Here are some examples of techniques that I plan to use, in addition to others, as shown in my selected films:
Eye-level camera and framing in Taxi Driver.

Candid crowds in The Graduate.

Shallow depth of field in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

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