Monday 20 October 2014

Camera techniques - Using a reflector

Using a reflector whilst filming can make a big difference to the lighting, whilst still using natural light. Reflectors are a cheap and effective method of catching light and projecting it onto a specific area/subject. New Wave films used reflectors, a good example being Easy Rider, where a reflection of a reflector can be seen on a large copper tower. Mistakes like this in New Wave films were not corrected and added authenticity.

I have a homemade reflector, which I made from a large piece of cardboard, attaching plain white paper onto one side, and tin foil onto the other side. The white side casts a very soft and clean light onto the subject and is useful in a studio when a flash is used, or when there is ample light outside, like during a sunny noon-time shoot. The reflective silver side is great for shooting in low light, or where a strong light is needed, however this light can be too strong for mid-day shooting unless it is feathered away. Most photographers use the silver side of a reflector more, as it casts a stronger reflection. I made this for my AS photography course 2 years ago, and still have it. If I find it as effective whilst filming as I did when taking photographs, then I will be using a reflector for my New Wave film.
Professional reflectors can often have a gold or black side. The gold side casts a very strong warm light onto the subject, whilst the black side is an anti-reflector, which photographers use to cast a shadow onto certain areas of the subject.

Below are some images that I have taken with a reflector, showing the changes in light by using the plain white side, and then the shiny silver side. In my opinion this technique is very effective in emphasising natural light, which was a very common feature of New Wave film. I could have improved by experimenting in different locations and weather conditions, also by using a wider range of coloured reflectors e.g. gold and black.
Using no reflector.

The white side of a reflector.

The silver side of a reflector.

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