Monday 26 January 2015

Unit 32 promotional research planning, company suggestions and design brief

Different companies/products I could create a promotional video for:
  • Retail.
  • Catering.
  • Music bands, events, attractions.
  • Services.
  • Information, public service, charity.

Useful techniques to use in a promotional video:
  • Talking heads interviews - people who work at the business/sell the product and people who have had a good experience at the business/used the product.
  • Product photography and brand identity - an audience can immediately identify a brand if they are accustomed to certain features e.g. the logo.
  • Copyright free - to ensure my client will be able to use the promotional video for their own use afterwards e.g. to post on their website or social networking sites, promoting their business.
  • Music score/motif - a music score would enable the sound to match the visuals perfectly, and create whatever mood and feeling that I or my client desires.
  • Instructional and demonstrations - showing an audience how to use the service/product will encourage them to use/buy, as some people feel more comfortable using/buying when they know how to use a service or product.
  • Graphics - the use of onscreen graphics will help the audience remember key facts and information. Eye catching techniques like this draw the audience in, and encourage them to use the service/buy the product.
  • Customer testimonials and endorsements - this will influence the viewer to use the service/buy the product from recommendations and word of mouth.
  • Cutaways - cutaways will allow the promotional video to contain numerous different technical and visually pleasing shots, showing more of the business/product.
  • Presenter - the use of a presenter, similarly to using talking heads interviews, will inform the audience and encourage them to use/buy.
  • Length - making a short and snappy promotional video will encourage people to use the service/buy the product. If the video is too long the audience will get disinterested and loose attention whilst watching the video.
  • Mode of address - the mode of address is important, as whether the tone is formal or informal depends on the business, product and target audience.
  • Narrative - a thoroughly planned narrative will give entice the audience and give the promotional video structure and meaning.
  • Targeting an audience - planning, filming and editing a promotional video to suit an audiences needs is important e.g. if the audience is for infant children, the mood needs to be young, happy and fun.

Different companies to possibly contact for the production of a promotional video:
  1. Galley Farm stables.
  • Local to my house, therefore I would be able to go back to film numerous times, or to correct shots.
  • The release of the video could possibly bring business to a local business in my village, which would help the economy of the stables, as I am aware that they have had financial issues in previous years.
      2. Mr B's sweet shop.
  • Fairly close to my house, so I would be able to visit numerous times or re-shoot any shots I am unhappy with.
  • With 1,279 'likes' on Facebook, the business has already proven popular, and could benefit from an additional promotional video, which there are no signs of online.
      3. Hoar Park childrens farm.
  •  Situated a short drive away from where I live, again, I would be able to visit numerous times and re-shoot if I feel neccessary.
  • Consisting of a children's farm, playground, restaurant, antique centre, garden centre, barn available for hire and a fishing pool, Hoar Park boasts a wide range of activites to show and promote. The businesses recieve a lot of custom and have their own website, which I feel could be helped with the aid of a promotional video, as it is based in a rural location, and more people could know of its existance.
      4. The Bee's Knees Face - Painting Co.
  • Following this business would project an element of enjoyment and fun, as the video should have a happy theme of people enjoying themselves. However, this business is based around planned events and may not be running every day, which would make arranging filming times/places difficult.

Design brief
My aim for this project is to research, plan and create a promotional video for a client, which meets their criteria. I plan to create a promotional video for a small independent business, to hopefully increase popularity and therefore increase the business of the establishment. The video will be aimed at the general public. After researching other retail promotional videos, the duration will last from around 2 minutes to 4 minutes. The video will include different shots of the establishment and I will communicate with the business owner/manager to meet their needs and expectations. I will create an in-depth plan of the promotional video, but will meet with the client before filming commences, to make any changes necessary to meet the clients expectations, when the final promotional video will be finished in March. I will be considering release forms and health and safety whilst planning and filming.

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