Friday 12 December 2014

Camera techniques - Timelapse (un-finished)

Timelapse is a video technique where the camera is set to record a series of numerous images, or minutes/hours of film footage, with the film rate sped up to show a short montage of fast moving footage.

I feel that this would be a brilliant technique to use in my film based around Lacan's lack theory, as I plan on conveying a theme of emptiness and isolation. I would use this technique effectively by using an actor standing in a busy location/crowd, with people carrying on in their day-to-day lives, and my actor standing still in the crowd. This would show a sense of loneliness effectively, especially at dusk, when the light has a transition of light to dark, showing an extended period of time. I plan to use this technique, in addition to other similar ones, showing a separation from society and human interaction, such as shallow depth of field and soft focus.

Here I experimented with the technique myself. Placing my camera on a tripod and filming my subject in a busy location, standing still for approx 2 minutes, then speeding up the frame rate in post-production, via Premiere Pro. This is a test sample of the technique, to experiment whether it works effectively or not, so I can use it in my film footage. will shortly follow!

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