Wednesday 24 September 2014

Premiere Pro bins and clip labelling

  • Once I launched Premiere Pro and imported my video clips, I changed the viewing settings to list view, this helps the system to operate at a faster pace and allows more information to be seen when viewing the clips. One of the benefits of using list view is metadata of each individual clip is easier to view. This helps greatly when editing as it allows the clips to be organised effectively, depending on which metadata you want to make viewable.
  • I then created a new 'bin'. This can be done by selecting the option at the bottom right of the imported clips section. This makes it a lot easier to divide clips and sequences.
  • I re-named each clip with a relevant title for the subject, as when editing it makes it easier and faster to go straight to a desired file, rather than going through each individual one with similar file names.
  • I also added text to my video clips, as it makes it a lot clearer to distinguish which lighting technique is used at which point. This can be done by selecting 'new item' then 'title'.
Altering metadata.

Creating a new bin.

Re-naming file names.

Adding text to a video clip.

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